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Chapel Break Infant School

Send Information for Parents


Here you will find everything you need to support you with your child's SEND needs

www.ipsea.org.uk - A useful site for free, legally based Special Education Advice



Starfish behaviour support 

Padlet for parents containing links to training and advice 

Sensory Circuits

Information about Sensory circuits


Letter to parents about sensory circuit 

Bedtime routines

Bedtimes can be hard for children with SEND. We recommend visuals and a now and next approach. 

You can also contact 


Bedtime routine charts and visuals 

Bedtime routine 

Bedtime routine

Bedtime routine

Speech and Language 

Speech and language referrals are made by the school through Just One Norfolk https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/speech-language/ 

You can find information to support your child's speech and language development there. 

universally speaking 0-5


universally speaking 5-11


stages of language development 

Social, Emotional, Mental Health 

Zones of regulation - check out our guide about how we use the Zones and what you can do at home. 




Form 35 to appeal an EHCP

Annual review documents and information 

Timelines for EHCP applications 

Ipsea and legal advice - Everything you need to know about EHCP applications 


Health Advice for parents - the NHS is still open and there are lots of avenues of support for all issues relating to Mental Health, Eating, Sleeping, Toileting - click here.